20 September, 2013

Defending the Banjo

I am not a real big fan of Rascal Flats or contemporary country in general but any friend of the banjo is a friend of mine.

18 September, 2013

Wednesday Hootenany

The thing about turning 40 this year, my life is about halfway between Luke Duke and Uncle Jesse Duke.

Neither one had as much cool in their whole body as Roy Orbison had in his pinkie toe.  Let's relax, it's Wednesday.

13 September, 2013

Every where is Margarita-ville on a Friday

I wonder if my dad know about the "extra verse" that was cut out of the single?

06 September, 2013

It's Friday, Run Little Rabbit...

Run, Run,

As you will see, there is nothing new under the sun, even the hanging down pants fashion; though I don't think Stringbean had the fashion impact we've seen the last decade.  I'm not sure what is up with the eyebrows.

04 September, 2013

Wednesday, Take it as it Comes

even if you're in a place where you gotta eat a little more possum.

A little Jerry Jeff Walker for your Wednesday.